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Media Effects Across Pandemics: COVID-19 and The Spanish Flu

Jaylin Cloutier

The ability to analyze and explain the moral, ethical, and cross-cultural dimensions of messages. This personally translates to examining and understanding a situation and looking at every possible side of an argument. How would other people agree or disagree with me? How does this situation affect different people?


This paper is called Media Effects Across Pandemics: COVID-19 and The Spanish Flu. The main focus is looking at the COVID-19 pandemic as it became new to us and comparing it to past pandemics, specifically the Spanish Flu. It was important to talk about the differences and similarities between the pandemics and to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different people. This includes the impact of the media, mental health, and what future pandemics may look like.


Explaining the moral, ethical, and cross-cultural dimensions of different kinds of messages is certainly present in this paper. I examined how different countries, different political parties, and different media outlets were handling COVID-19. It was also important to look at a dead pandemic and see how it was handled and how deadly it was. This allowed more insight into if we are handling COVID-19 appropriately.



Learning Outcome 3: Welcome

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